
Move great ideas from your head to the page.
Sometimes, all it takes is a good conversation to translate those thoughts into paragraphs. I am here to curiously probe about what you’re thinking, help you pinpoint your underlying message, and put your ideas on pages that you can revisit, revise, and refine until they are just right.
If I could leave you with two important thoughts today: Your ideas are good, and you’re not alone!
I’d love to help you artfully commit your words to the page. Contact me for information about coaching and upcoming workshops!
Jennifer Van Winkle is a teacher by training and a storyteller by passion. She is a practiced editor and writing coach who is committed to empowering writers to skillfully enflesh the stories they live and the ones they imagine. She lives in Seattle, Washington with her husband, and her three delightful children—twin elementary-age boys, and a preschool-age daughter. Life around her house is never dull and full of life, just the way she likes it.
Jennifer is the lead editor at Kindred Mom.com, and was the managing editor of Strong, Brave & Beautiful: Stories of Hope for Moms in the Weeds, a collaborative volume of essays about motherhood. Currently, she writes from home with kids underfoot and helps writers hone their message and writing voice through workshops and one on one coaching. Catch up with Jennifer on her website (jennifervanwinkle.com) and on Instagram.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash